Our Philosophy

Our philosophy centers around living a better life and becoming a better person in general, first and foremost. Of course safety is a major factor, but we feel as though there are several other parts that should be included in the study of traditional Martial Arts. Many people join the Martial Arts to learn to kick and punch, as they see in the movies or on television. Many quickly become bored or overwhelmed with Martial Arts study because they have not learned what they see in the movies. Unfortunately some students fail to see the difference in reality compared to what is in the movies. We strive to educate those on this life study and how it can benefit them.
We believe that hard work and a lot of effort can mold a person into someone who has strong self- esteem, is motivated, disciplined, and who has pride in their accomplishments. However these accomplishments must also come with humility. Being a humble person, however strong willed, can help drive people to success in their lives. It is not a part of Seijitsu Shin Do that can be taught to any one student. I believe the true study of the Martial Arts may start with the study of physical, but ultimately it is a study of oneself. Personal growth is a huge goal to reach in life. Some reach it and some don’t. Those who don’t seem to be content with the way they are. I believe everyone can improve him/her self through the study of Martial Arts. Through the physical and mental challenges a person can improve their outlook on life. Our patch says Discipline, Honor, Faith and Perseverance. These are four aspects we believe to be the key to success in life.
Self Defense is a significant reason karate was created nearly a thousand years ago on Okinawa. Those people were poor hardworking farmers and fisherman that were taken over by the samurai. They had their weapons taken away and completely outlawed as well as any system of self defense. They persevered and developed themselves in secret so they could defend themselves with “karate” (empty hand). This part of history I believe to fit into today’s world. The defense of oneself and their family is not something that has gone by the wayside with the development of today’s society. In some ways it has however become a secondary thought though. People deal regularly with fear of failure and lack of acceptance, among other things. This results in a lack of self-esteem and makes a person a target for those who may wish to harm us. Confidence in oneself can define the person.
This is where Seijitsu Shin Do Kan enters into the picture. It is not a means to an end with black belt, it is truly a life study. Through the study of traditional karate to modern day self defense tactics we provide a means for people to grow, learn and develop. Not just for children, but for adults alike the study of Martial Arts has great benefits. However people benefit differently from its study.
The icon of “black belt” as an expert fighter is not solely true. A belt of any color is a symbol of rank. While this is true, however a black belt is not something you wear around your waist, it is something you should wear around your heart. It is not something to wear and brag about, it is something that you should embody. Don’t wear a black belt, become a black belt! Become a person who is respectable, knowledgeable, friendly, ethical, and yet one who can defend your families, yourself or others if necessary.
The original students of karate were ordinary people, such as artists, florists, farmers, fishermen, and religious leaders. These are things that are highly overlooked in today’s world. Sometimes the simple things in life truly are the most rewarding.
The goal for every student that I have taught and hope to teach in my lifetime has been and always will be for them to improve themselves, be strong and able, be humble, and to be respectable first and foremost. Once this is learned and developed, your study of karate has truly begun. Up to this point it is a study of physical movements designed for self defense and not much more. Be a person, not just a fighter.
We believe that hard work and a lot of effort can mold a person into someone who has strong self- esteem, is motivated, disciplined, and who has pride in their accomplishments. However these accomplishments must also come with humility. Being a humble person, however strong willed, can help drive people to success in their lives. It is not a part of Seijitsu Shin Do that can be taught to any one student. I believe the true study of the Martial Arts may start with the study of physical, but ultimately it is a study of oneself. Personal growth is a huge goal to reach in life. Some reach it and some don’t. Those who don’t seem to be content with the way they are. I believe everyone can improve him/her self through the study of Martial Arts. Through the physical and mental challenges a person can improve their outlook on life. Our patch says Discipline, Honor, Faith and Perseverance. These are four aspects we believe to be the key to success in life.
Self Defense is a significant reason karate was created nearly a thousand years ago on Okinawa. Those people were poor hardworking farmers and fisherman that were taken over by the samurai. They had their weapons taken away and completely outlawed as well as any system of self defense. They persevered and developed themselves in secret so they could defend themselves with “karate” (empty hand). This part of history I believe to fit into today’s world. The defense of oneself and their family is not something that has gone by the wayside with the development of today’s society. In some ways it has however become a secondary thought though. People deal regularly with fear of failure and lack of acceptance, among other things. This results in a lack of self-esteem and makes a person a target for those who may wish to harm us. Confidence in oneself can define the person.
This is where Seijitsu Shin Do Kan enters into the picture. It is not a means to an end with black belt, it is truly a life study. Through the study of traditional karate to modern day self defense tactics we provide a means for people to grow, learn and develop. Not just for children, but for adults alike the study of Martial Arts has great benefits. However people benefit differently from its study.
The icon of “black belt” as an expert fighter is not solely true. A belt of any color is a symbol of rank. While this is true, however a black belt is not something you wear around your waist, it is something you should wear around your heart. It is not something to wear and brag about, it is something that you should embody. Don’t wear a black belt, become a black belt! Become a person who is respectable, knowledgeable, friendly, ethical, and yet one who can defend your families, yourself or others if necessary.
The original students of karate were ordinary people, such as artists, florists, farmers, fishermen, and religious leaders. These are things that are highly overlooked in today’s world. Sometimes the simple things in life truly are the most rewarding.
The goal for every student that I have taught and hope to teach in my lifetime has been and always will be for them to improve themselves, be strong and able, be humble, and to be respectable first and foremost. Once this is learned and developed, your study of karate has truly begun. Up to this point it is a study of physical movements designed for self defense and not much more. Be a person, not just a fighter.