Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are karate classes expensive?
A: No karate classes at Okinawa Karate Of Twinsburg are quite affordable. Well below the national average.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Please see our rates and class schedule
Q: Will adults and kids be in the same classes?
A: Yes in some cases. Kids 7yrs through adults have theirs and adults do have the option of Adult only classes.
Q: Do I have to worry about my kids using karate at school?
A: No we stress that karate is not a game to be played it is used only for self-defense
Q: What ages do you teach?
A: We start taking students at age 7
Q: Why don't you offer classes for younger than 7 year olds when other schools do?
A: It is our believe and experience that children that young are a bit to young to start karate and many times classes for that age group by enlarge is not karate at all but a class setup for coordination drills and for listening skills. As much as we would like to be able to offer something for everyone we cannot logically do that. Our focus is on teaching karate and for that a student needs certain skills that are gained through pre-school and the early stages of kindergarten.
Q: How many days per week do students attend?
A: This depends on the class you would be in. However we do suggest that a student starts off with training 2 days per week however you can attend all available classes.
Q: How many students are in each class?
A: It varies on the class but usually less than 10 with a minimum of 2 instructors on the floor.
Q: Do I have to be in good shape before I start your classes?
A: No our classes will help you get into shape
Q: Will karate training help my child with his/her confidence and self-esteem?
A: Absolutely!! It takes time and effort from your child, yourself and us as the instructors.
Q: My child is being bullied at school, how can karate help?
A: Karate helps first by helping build self-confidence and self-esteem. With that the skill of being able to defend oneself from bullying and aggressive behavior helps avoid and defuse any conflict without physical confrontation. However if the need would arise for a physical response the skills are there as a last resort.
Q: How do I get started taking Karate?
A: See our procedures for starting up
Q: What is the difference between your school and others in the area?
A: We don’t pay attention to what others do. To describe our school we are a traditional non-commercialized school. We are all about substance and not the money. Only effort and a good attitude will get you ahead in our school. Everything you get with us you will have earned. Also Brandon our chief instructor is one of the most senior instructors in this area. With almost 40 years of martial arts experience he is ranked as a 8th degree black belt and holds the title of Hanshi which is the highest teaching certification in karate. To put it in literal terms Grandmaster level.
Q: What is the difference between what you do and tae kwon do?
A: Recently we have been getting this question quite a bit and honestly we do not pay much attention to what other schools or styles do. We are very focused on being the very best at what we do and we are very proud of our students and the fact they hold to such a high standard. Our student’s ranks are earned and not bought. Our students cannot test for rank every 6 weeks like many schools nor do we offer children’s black belts which is different than a lot of tae kwon do schools out there today.
As far as the style differences we teach Shorin Ryu Karate & Kobudo from Okinawa. The stances are higher and more natural, the breathing is different, and the basic blocking, striking and kicking are different among many other aspects. Here are some videos that illustrate the difference. Click on each name to view the video.
Shorin Ryu Karate:
Naihanchi Sandan
Shorin Ryu Power Generation and Technique
Shorin Ryu Kata & Technique
Ryukyu Kobudo / Kobujutsu (Okinawan Weaponry)
Eaku Kata (Chikin Sunakake No Eku)
Sai Kata (Chatanyara No Sai)
Bo Kata (Koryu Shushi No Kun)
Kama Kata (Kanegawa No Nichogama)
Tae Kwon Do:
Q: I have rank in another style or from another school or association, how do you handle this situation?
A: We handle this on a case by case basis. If you are from a recognized Shorinryu school or association we will typically recognize your ranking. However if you are from an americanized school or association you will probably have to re-earn your grade. If you have ranking in Isshinryu, Gojuryu or Shotokan, Shitoryu or Chitoryu Karate and are from a reputable organization you may wear your rank while transitioning to Shorinryu Karate. However it is expected that you humble yourself and be willing to start from the beginning.
A: No karate classes at Okinawa Karate Of Twinsburg are quite affordable. Well below the national average.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Please see our rates and class schedule
Q: Will adults and kids be in the same classes?
A: Yes in some cases. Kids 7yrs through adults have theirs and adults do have the option of Adult only classes.
Q: Do I have to worry about my kids using karate at school?
A: No we stress that karate is not a game to be played it is used only for self-defense
Q: What ages do you teach?
A: We start taking students at age 7
Q: Why don't you offer classes for younger than 7 year olds when other schools do?
A: It is our believe and experience that children that young are a bit to young to start karate and many times classes for that age group by enlarge is not karate at all but a class setup for coordination drills and for listening skills. As much as we would like to be able to offer something for everyone we cannot logically do that. Our focus is on teaching karate and for that a student needs certain skills that are gained through pre-school and the early stages of kindergarten.
Q: How many days per week do students attend?
A: This depends on the class you would be in. However we do suggest that a student starts off with training 2 days per week however you can attend all available classes.
Q: How many students are in each class?
A: It varies on the class but usually less than 10 with a minimum of 2 instructors on the floor.
Q: Do I have to be in good shape before I start your classes?
A: No our classes will help you get into shape
Q: Will karate training help my child with his/her confidence and self-esteem?
A: Absolutely!! It takes time and effort from your child, yourself and us as the instructors.
Q: My child is being bullied at school, how can karate help?
A: Karate helps first by helping build self-confidence and self-esteem. With that the skill of being able to defend oneself from bullying and aggressive behavior helps avoid and defuse any conflict without physical confrontation. However if the need would arise for a physical response the skills are there as a last resort.
Q: How do I get started taking Karate?
A: See our procedures for starting up
Q: What is the difference between your school and others in the area?
A: We don’t pay attention to what others do. To describe our school we are a traditional non-commercialized school. We are all about substance and not the money. Only effort and a good attitude will get you ahead in our school. Everything you get with us you will have earned. Also Brandon our chief instructor is one of the most senior instructors in this area. With almost 40 years of martial arts experience he is ranked as a 8th degree black belt and holds the title of Hanshi which is the highest teaching certification in karate. To put it in literal terms Grandmaster level.
Q: What is the difference between what you do and tae kwon do?
A: Recently we have been getting this question quite a bit and honestly we do not pay much attention to what other schools or styles do. We are very focused on being the very best at what we do and we are very proud of our students and the fact they hold to such a high standard. Our student’s ranks are earned and not bought. Our students cannot test for rank every 6 weeks like many schools nor do we offer children’s black belts which is different than a lot of tae kwon do schools out there today.
As far as the style differences we teach Shorin Ryu Karate & Kobudo from Okinawa. The stances are higher and more natural, the breathing is different, and the basic blocking, striking and kicking are different among many other aspects. Here are some videos that illustrate the difference. Click on each name to view the video.
Shorin Ryu Karate:
Naihanchi Sandan
Shorin Ryu Power Generation and Technique
Shorin Ryu Kata & Technique
Ryukyu Kobudo / Kobujutsu (Okinawan Weaponry)
Eaku Kata (Chikin Sunakake No Eku)
Sai Kata (Chatanyara No Sai)
Bo Kata (Koryu Shushi No Kun)
Kama Kata (Kanegawa No Nichogama)
Tae Kwon Do:
Q: I have rank in another style or from another school or association, how do you handle this situation?
A: We handle this on a case by case basis. If you are from a recognized Shorinryu school or association we will typically recognize your ranking. However if you are from an americanized school or association you will probably have to re-earn your grade. If you have ranking in Isshinryu, Gojuryu or Shotokan, Shitoryu or Chitoryu Karate and are from a reputable organization you may wear your rank while transitioning to Shorinryu Karate. However it is expected that you humble yourself and be willing to start from the beginning.